Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Ways to Cope With Stress

4 Ways to Cope With Stress 1. Yoga Ive already written an article dedicated to yoga, but I briefly want to reiterate how amazing yoga is for the body and for the mind. Sadly, my schools yoga instructor (who is also a professor at the college), does her yoga class at a time that I am not available, but that does not stop me from rolling out my yoga mat once in a while before bed after I get off work. Just taking the  time to only breathe and stretch really slows down the time when it feels like you dont have enough hours in a day. It will clear your mind and it can even help you be more creative. Even if you only spend 15 minutes a week, its more time than not doing it at all. 2. Taking a hot bath My moms remedy for everything when I was younger was to either take some Ibuprofen or take a bath. I really enjoy taking baths now as an adult, especially with bath salts, bath fizzers, or even bath crayons. It really is relaxing to get the chance to draw on the walls, especially since it isnt something that you are supposed to do. Even if I just sit in a bath with shampoo bubbles, I can still somehow end up staying in the tub with a good book or some Netflix on my phone for an hour and a half. 3. Patience As Im getting closer and closer to being able to rent this house, my mom keeps reminding me to only look at the next step. Dont look ahead, and only think of the next thing or two to do. I apply this strategy to a lot of little things, like homework and what I need to do at my serving job for that shift that day. Being patient about things will really slow down the time, and will even be rewarding later on. Patience has been a word that I have been thinking a lot about in February, and its been helpful so far. 4. Become a better planner Instead of ignoring your stresses with yoga or a hot bath, manage stress the same way you would manage your meals or how you spend money. Plan out your days in a planner, or on a calendar. I prefer the bullet journal method, as it allows for a creative outlet, which can also help relieve general stress. Pick up your abandoned Pinterest account and try out a few pages to see how you like it. Everyone copes with stress in different ways, and these are a few of the ways that I try to handle it. Stress is never going to go all the way away, though, and dont forget that stress can be a good thing  if you manage it properly.

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